Recipe for a 9" cake tin
390g Doves Farm self-raising flour
390g castor sugar
390g soft dairy free margarine (stork block as this has a higher fat content & produces a
better cake)
7 x large eggs
2 x tbs Vanilla extract
Pre-Heat oven – Hot 170c fan assisted
Line 2 x cake tins with baking parchment
- Cream together the margarine and castor sugar until really pale in colour & appears double in bulk.
- Add the eggs 1 at time until incorporated.
- Add the vanilla extract.
- Spoon in the flour & beat until creamy and smooth.
- Spoon the mixture into the prepared cake tin and bake for approximately 50/55 minutes until golden and feels spongy.
- Remove immediately from the cake tin and place on a cooling wire.
- When cool fill with your favourite preserve or butter cream.
‘Now Lets Add Some Luxury ……….’
Chocolate Victoria Sandwich
This recipe requires a little more consideration for the perfect cake.
280g Doves Farm self-raising flour
85g cocoa powder
85g ground almonds
1/2 x tsp gluten free baking powder
7 x large eggs
390g castor sugar
390g dairy free margarine (stork block)
2 x tbs Vanilla extract
- Cream together the margarine and castor sugar until very pale in colour and appears double in bulk.
- Add the eggs one at a time until fully incorporated.
- Add the vanilla extract.
- Spoon in the flour, ground almonds & cocoa powder until creamy.
- Bake in hot oven 50/55 mins until a skewer comes out clean.
- Remove from cake tins and place on a cooling wire.
- Fill with your favourite butter cream filling either vanilla or chocolate are perfect.
- Stork Block has a higher fat content (75%) which means it helps prevent the sponge from being crumbly.
- Cocoa powder often clumps when it is added to water, so mix it into the flour to help prevent this.
- This sponge needs airation to help give it rise, a balloon whisk helps beat in the air.
- Don't worry about smoothing the mix over after it is poured into the baking tins. It will self level in the oven as it bakes.
- The baking powder compensates for the heaviness of cocoa powder and helps the cake rise.