DETOX – URBAN MYTH OR FACT by our Nutritionist Victoria Shorland
Most of us feel January is always a good time to get into shape and lose a few of those excess
pounds you might have gained over the holiday period. Over indulging over the festive period
causes toxins to build up in your body which can lead to you feeling under the weather, run down
and more susceptible to colds and flu.
Toxic overload is a grim reality in today’s polluted world. Pollution, stress, food and environmental
factors can leave your liver, kidneys, lungs, colon and other important systems of elimination exhausted
from the battle to restore and maintain balance and harmony within the body.
An over-consumption of ‘bad’ fats and red meat, combined with a low intake of fibre and high acid
foods, will severely reduce the body’s ability to properly absorb nutrients and eliminate toxins. By
cutting down on red meats and fats, increasing your fruit and vegetable intake and using vitamins,
essential fatty acids and effective herbs each day, you can detox your body to restore vitality, enhance
weight loss and improve mood.
Reasons for a Detox ?
• To help clear the system of medications which may have been stopped.
• To enable the bowel to function more freely.
• To alleviate bloatedness.
• Allow effective nutrients the best opportunity to work.
• Help prevent feelings of sluggishness, fuzzy head and headaches.
• Lose excessive water retention.
• Lower Blood Pressure.
• Improve skin conditions.
• Contribute to reducing cellulite.
• Increases fibre intake so bowels improve.
What about starting a Detox ?
• Never leap straight into a detox.
• Your body has to be ready to eliminate any toxins released, eg. The colon.
• Eat simple foods such as rice, broccoli and chicken for three days prior to commencing.
• Ensure you drink plenty of water 1.5 – 2 litres, regularly, before and during your detox.
When is a Detox not appropriate ?
• Never detox when you are constipated.
• Never detox if you have a cold or flu like symptoms, wait for them to pass and allow your
immune system to recover.
• If you are diabetic and/or epileptic check with your healthcare professional to ensure they
feel it is appropriate.
• Never attempt a detox immediately after surgery or convalescence.
• If you are pregnant or have a medical condition always check with your GP or healthcare
• Plenty of fibre in your diet will help keep the digestive system cleansed and flowing effectively.
Brown rice, whole-wheat bread and vegetables are good sources of this.
• A slow release of energy from foods which are low on the glycaemic index will ensure
you don’t get over hungry, which may tempt you to make poor food choices.
• Keep away from the quick hit foods, such a biscuits, chocolates, pastries.
• They give you quick energy boost, but it doesn’t sustain you. Hunger and fatigue are
likely to follow, again encouraging you to reach for another fix.
• Low fat sources of protein provide the building blocks for repair, making enzymes, hormones
and anti-bodies. Remember pulses, nuts and seeds also contain some protein.
• Anti-oxidants are foods which neutralise the effects of free radicals. Free radicals are
rampant chemicals, with a destructive nature. Diets rich in anti-oxidant foods have
been shown to protect against cancer, heart disease, delays ageing, and prevents cataracts.
Fruit, vegetables, seeds, nuts, oils, whole grains, beans and lentils all contain
these super-nutrients.
• Drink plenty of fluids; this can include water, fruit juice, herbal and fruit teas. If your
urine is golden coloured it is a sign that you are low in fluid. Your urine should be virtually
clear with no strong smell.
Tel. 07789512825 or email [email protected] for an appointment or further information.
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