When managing hypothyroidism, many people assume that taking thyroid medication is enough to alleviate symptoms. However, in some cases, this approach doesn’t fully resolve issues. One key reason is that proper thyroid function depends on more than just medication - it requires the right nutrients, particularly amino acids, to support thyroid hormone conversion........... Click on the button to read the full article.
![]() Gallstones: Diet and Supplements What is the gallbladder? The gallbladder is a small pear-shaped organ that sits next to the liver. It’s main function is to store and concentrate the bile that is produced in the liver. When fat is consumed in the diet the gallbladder contracts to release bile back into the digestive tract for fat digestion. What are gallstones? Gallstones are accumulations of crystals that join together to form stones. The stones can be composed of cholesterol (the most common), calcium salts, bilirubin or other bile pigments. They can vary in size from very small (grains of sand or gravel) to as large as a golf ball. A person can have gallstones and never know they are there. Other people develop symptoms known as biliary colic or cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder). Gallstones are more common in women, people who are overweight, over 40 years of age, during pregnancy, after sudden weight loss or in people who consume a high-fat, high-sugar, low-fiber diet. What are the symptoms of biliary colic or cholecystitis? The symptoms of gallstone attacks vary but typically include some or all of the following:
What is the recommended diet for people with gallstones? Certain foods are better tolerated by people with gallstones. In general a low-fat, high vegetable and fruit diet is the best for managing symptoms of gallstones. A vegetarian diet is associated with a low incidence of gallstones but needs to be managed carefully if digestive issues are also present . Foods that are recommended for people with gallstones:
While weight loss is often desirable for people with gallstones it is important not to lose weight too quickly – this can lead to a gallbladder crisis. Instead focus on slow, steady weight loss and regular aerobic exercise (which also supports gallbladder health). Are there naturopathic treatments for gallstones? Yes. In addition to a healthy diet there are several supplements that can support the function of the gallbladder and decrease symptoms of gallstones. Omega 3 fish oils – Fish oils reduce the formation of gallstones by enhancing bile flow and blocking cholesterol formation in the bile. A combined EPA-DHA fish oil supplement should be taken by anyone with gallstones, or risk factors for the development of gallstones. Increase dietary fiber – Diets high in water-soluble fiber (from fruits, vegetables, oat bran and guar gum) decrease cholesterol levels – a primary goal of gallstone treatment. A good source of fiber is to mix 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed into one serving (8oz or ½ cup) of organic applesauce and consume daily. Vitamin C – Low levels are associated with the development of gallstones. Lecithin – a phospholipid that reduces the saturation of cholesterol in bile that leads to stone formation. Oral supplementation results in higher concentrations of lecithin in the bile. This results in improved bile flow. Enteric-coated peppermint oil – peppermint has been shown to have ‘anti-lithic’ activities. It may be able to breakup small stones, but is unlikely to dissolve large stones. Peppermint also has anti-spasmodic effects and can help manage the pain of gallstone attacks. Non-enteric-coated forms can cause heartburn and should be avoided. Other botanicals with liver and gallbladder specific actions can be used in some individuals. These include dandelion root, milk thistle, artichoke, curcumin, celandine, wild yam, blackroot, boldo, and others. Another popular natural remedy for gallstones is the “Olive Oil Flush”. Stories abound of individuals passing large gallstones after following this protocol. Studies examining these ‘stones’ have demonstrated them to be saponified olive oil and not gallstones. Olive oil flushes are NOT recommended for individuals with gallstones. #weightlossinjections #IBS #diet #and #bloating #faversham #allergy #testing #intolerance #howtogetridofbloating #B12 #blood #testing #phlebotomist #fertility #diabetes #testing #vitaming D #Mourjano #bluecrest #boots #home #testing #kits #fingerpricktests #nutritionist #crohns #menopause #diet #fatigue #alwaystired #apotheca #herbalist #massage #hot #stone #canterbury #hernebay #chatham #whitstable #kent #dover #folkestone #hythe #rainham #kent #fatigue #liver #autismanddiet #adhdandfood ![]() WHAT DO YOU SEE? A wonky fence doesnt mean it is broken, it is just different. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is now a widely discussed subject. There is debate as to whether some associated behaviours are not ADHD connected but rather linked to other factors such as environment, lifestyle, mental health history, head trauma, and diet. Also, as these can also be associated with ADHD it can be difficult to separate them. As diagnosis lines can be blurred, diagnosis can take time. Adult ADHD can take many years or come in later life as an accidental finding. There is an increasing population of individuals who have discovered that they do in fact have ADHD and this can be received with a huge sense of relief as they find explanations for stages in their lives that they may not have previously understood. Some individuals are resistant to taking medications for various reasons including potential side effects. When this is the case, it is important that other alternatives are considered. Factors such as diet should be investigated - however, before I discuss the dietary implications connected with ADHD, here is a little bit about this neurodivergent condition. What is ADHD?Neurodivergence is a relatively modern description of the natural variants in human brain function. ADHD can present as:
Working memory is the ability to turn information into action such as remembering instructions and an ability to finish a task. ADHD individuals can be forgetful, disorganised, have difficulty finishing a task and therefore their working memory may not be efficient. Scientists believe that ADHD individuals store information in a disorganised manner which makes recall of information more difficult and distractions going alongside this will contribute to poor recall and disorganisation. The frontal lobe is also responsible for executive function (EF). EFs are skills that help you get things done such as managing time, paying attention, formal planning and organising, remembering detail and multitasking. Being able to manage impulses and act appropriately leads to better EF control. Executive function starts to develop at birth and the development increases through the ages of three to five and continues into teenage years. Where trauma, substance abuse, head injury, poor diet, malnutrition, and other factors are considered, executive function can become executive dysfunction - for example, a trait is difficulty planning, organising, strategising, time management, and following stepped tasks which could be cooking for example. High IQ does not correlate with executive dysfunction as it is the brain's ability to coordinate and carry out tasks rather than an IQ that is an indicator of ADHD. Executive dysfunction causes (ED) can include ADHD, depression, autistic spectrum conditions, OCD, substance abuse, head injury, multiple sclerosis, stroke, brain tumour, dementia and genetic factors. Calculative flexibility (CF) is the ability to adjust behaviour to the circumstances at hand. Where an individual has difficulty adapting to stress, change, difficult or unhappy events, they may have poor CF and/or attempts to be CF are sabotaged by the ADHD traits mentioned above. Also, there may be a tendency to behave or react inappropriately to situations due to poor CF. Research in 2020 demonstrated that ADHD symptoms and sleep disturbances have common neural matches. Indicators in the frontal striatal circuitry of the brain are related to ADHD and sleep disturbance. Sleep disturbance can represent as insomnia, wakefulness during sleep time and restless sleep. There are small study populations of between 25 and 50 individuals which are claiming that head trauma can be associated with ADHD. This does make sense as if there is frontal lobe trauma, ED and CF could be affected. Approaches for ADHD supportThere are many medications which can be used to help reduce the symptoms and patterns of ADHD. As mentioned earlier if individuals are resistant to medicating it is suggested that a holistic approach is taken. Limiting screen time and social media helps reduce overstimulation and can therefore contribute towards calm and reflective behaviour. Also, hyperfocusing can be reduced so individuals learn to be more mindful and present in the moment and learn to delay gratification and improve CF. Keeping routines and managing projects with lists or instructions; even with cooking, housework and planning travel should have its own set of boundaries and directions. The reward still comes but with less hyperfocusing and confusion. Avoiding quick-hit sugars such as sweets, cakes, biscuits, high-sugar drinks and alcohol helps keep blood sugars level. Spikes in blood sugars can exaggerate and heighten ADHD-associated behaviours. This has been seen in children with ADHD. In children where sugars have been significantly reduced it has been noted that fidgeting, poor concentration, full communication and poor sleep have, for some, significantly reduced or even disappeared. It goes without saying that if the same approach was taken with adults, they may see significant improvements. Introducing plenty of green vegetables and root vegetables, keeping tropical fruit low, and using whole grains including whole grain pasta and bread introduces a wide range of vitamins and minerals and slow-release carbohydrates giving longevity to the energy provided rather than quick-hit spikes. There has been considerable research on essential fatty acids and how they affect behaviour. Although there is limited research on their connection to ADHD specifically, their role in brain function and hormonal development is significant enough to associate their potential effectiveness with helping individuals with ADHD. It is important that an individual seeks professional advice with regard to their diet and supplementations, so they are able to gain specific guidance relevant to their personal circumstances. This will reduce the likelihood of malnourishment, inappropriate supplementations which could exaggerate symptoms, and financial implications with incorrect supplementation. They will be supported during changes so the individual can keep focused and directed on the changes to help alleviate and support their lifestyle. #adhd #bloatng #ibs #ocd #autism #mental #health #menopause #vitamindeficiency #weightlossinjections #nutritionist #allergy #testing #intolerance #diabetes #bloodtesting #phlebotomist #faversham #canterbury #kent #dover #folkestone #hernebay #whitstable #hythe #herbalist #privateclinic #B12 #omeprazole #acidreflux #TFT #T3deficiency #hormonetesting ![]() A short cut for weight loss has been gradually growing at an unprecedented speed. Injections appear to be a quick fix for individuals desperate to lose weight and despite the expense they are signing up, some without checking the pitfalls or side effects. The article below (hit the button) explains the pros and cons of weight loss injections. Ozempic is one such injection. Are we being cautious enough? Are we aware of the dangers or blindly administering a drug we know very little about? Click the button to find out more. An appointment with a Nutritionist could not only save you hundreds of pounds, but educate and provide long term results, rather than short term weight loss. #weightlossinjections #IBS #diet #and #bloating #faversham #allergy #testing #intolerance #howtogetridofbloating #B12 #blood #testing #phlebotomist #fertility #diabetes #testing #vitaming D #Mourjano #bluecrest #boots #home #testing #kits #fingerpricktests #nutritionist #crohns #menopause #diet #fatigue #alwaystired #apotheca #herbalist #massage #hot #stone #canterbury #hernebay #chatham #whitstable #kent #dover #folkestone #hythe #rainham #kent #fatigue #liver #autismanddiet #adhdandfood
![]() It's not a race! If you are used to eating on the hoof, bolting down food between school runs and excercise classes, rushing lunch breaks, eating in the car etc, you are not eating consciously. Or Mindfully............. Why is this style of eating not good for us?
The 20 minute window of opportunity is 'digestion gold.' Hormonal responses can have time to send signals to our brain and digestive system that we have eaten enough. Stop eating when you feel satisfied, not full. This mans you have not overeaten and you are mindfully taking note of how you feel during meals. Eating food triggers a chain reaction of events. Even a strong smell of food can act as a trigger in some cases. SEE, SMELL, THINK ABOUT FOOD - Triggers saliva production in the mouth. There are enzymes in saliva which help to break food down and moisten it. STOMACH IS TRIGGERED TO SECRETE MORE ACID. SMALL INTESTINE PREPARES FOR 'PERISTALSIS' (THE JOURNEY OF THE FOOD).
Interestingly, you can reduce your calories, per meal by up 70, if you eat slowly. That all adds up over a day, weeks, months. Sipping water whilst eating is also a proven means of improving satiety thus reducing calorie intake. Reference: University of Rhode Island. #nutritionist #dietician #digestive #issues #eat #slowloy #IBS #phlebotomist #Bluecrest #blood #testing #quality #B12 #diabetes #anaemia #vega #testing allergy #intolerance #insectbites #hormonetesting #menopausetesting #thyroidtesting #weightlossinjections #weight #loss #injections #mournjaro #ozempic #fertility #bloodtester #faversham #kent #whitstable #hernebay #bloating There are several types of allergy tests, and it is important to understand their effectiveness and diagnostic level before investing in one.
Skin patch testing Where contact dermatitis is involved patch testing is used to discover substances which may be causing symptoms. Diluted allergens are applied to the skin (generally on the back) then results are read. Reactions can be inflamed areas, blisters, or red areas. A neutral control area will be ‘patched’ as well. Skin prick testing This has been available for many years and is the oldest and most reliable form of allergy testing. This test involves pricking or puncturing the skin and adding a droplet of the allergen to the area. Usually, pet dander, moulds, pollens, and various foods are tested. After 15 minutes have elapsed, the skin is examined to see if there are any reactive areas around the puncture sites such as itchy bumps, spots, and raised rash areas. There will have been a positive control pricked area using histamine, which would show a reactive area response and the other puncture areas are compared to this. The negative or neutral control area will be a pricked site with saline or salt water added. If a skin prick test is negative for the allergens introduced but the individual has shown allergies, then another test known as an intradermal skin test may be carried out. The above forms of testing are accurate but restricted as only a certain number of allergens are tested and there has to be an initial ‘decision’ on what to test. If that decision is ‘barking up the wrong tree’ then it can be fruitless. Intradermal skin testingThis is a method of injecting a diluted allergen just under the top layer of the skin using a fine needle. This test can sometimes have a positive diagnosis over and above the prick test. Intradermal skin tests however are known to give false positive results so it should not be used when investigating food allergies. Blood testing This is another method of investigating food allergies. The ELISA or ‘enzyme linked immuno absorbant assays’. The ELISA test involves binding allergic antibodies in a blood sample to an allergen. A developer substance is added and a colour change is measured and this result is translated into the level of allergic antibody present in the blood sample. Reports are very easy to understand and most laboratories send the result accompanied by a GP report (always double check this is the case). A blood sample is taken either through venepuncture or finger prick testing. Venepuncture is the better process as a larger sample of blood is taken for testing. Home finger prick testing does however suit children where venepuncture has to be carried out by a Paediatric Phlebotomist for those under 16, and waiting times for this can be long. Hair analysis Each hair on our heads remains for between two to six years before falling out. The hair follicle is fed by minute blood vessels and whilst in situ the hair absorbs various chemicals and toxins. Hair analysis is a technique which looks closely at the hair under a microscope. Unfortunately, tests vary from laboratory to laboratory, and it is believed that hair analysis should be used in conjunction with other tests not on its own. Hair analysis can show drug use such as opioids and better means cannabis and cocaine. The contamination of the drugs can linger for up to three months on each hair. It is always wise to double-check the effectiveness of any testing before you decide which test. Cheap does not mean viability or diagnostic clarity. #phlebotomist #phlebotomy #faversham #privatebloodtesting #blood #needle #phobia# B12 #Vitamin #D #hormone #menopause #fertility #anaemia #blood test #blood test kit #canterbury #maidstone #whitstable #dover #kent #bluecrest #thyroidism #reallytired #GPnohelp #nutrition #nutritionist #dietician #IBS #Bloating #bowel #loose #crohns #coeliac #recipes #dietary #advice #FODMAP #fructose #intolerance #allergy #testing #faversham #kent #canterbury #whitstable #histamine #B12 #blood #testing #london #phlebotomy #weight #loss #flab #diabetes #eczema #vitamins #immune #food #healthyeating #diarrhoea #gas #rash #psoriasis #depression #ME #CFS #menopause #womens #health #HRT #thyroid #TSH #T3 #T4 #iron #deficiency #ME13 7BS #whitstable #B12 #FODMAP #Faversham #Herbalist #Massage #Laser #IPL #Nails #Reflexology #needle #phobic #gutbiomehealth #mentalhealth #diabetes #carnivore diet #bloodtesting #phlebotomy #dementia #carnivorediet #ketosis #osteoporosis #Apotheca #massage #
Are you stressing yourself and in turn your body. This is a very common scenario and lead to very serious consequences.
Emotional stress and its effects on the liver:
#allergy #testing #intolerance #kent #faversham #folkestone #new romney #marsh #herbalist #phlebotomy #blood #testing #diabetes #b12 #menopause #liver #botox #IPA #massage #herne #bay #dover #IBS #Bloating ![]() This article looks at what these symptoms are and how we can reduce our toxicity, improve our mental health and overall wellbeing with subtle and simple dietary changes. There are certain symptoms which can give us clues as to whether we need to make changes to both our lifestyle and behaviours such as:
Cantgetridofweight #diet #mental #health #adhd #autism #poormotivation #blood testing #phlebotomist #nutritionist #nutrition #dietician #faversham #kent #canterbury #whitstable #herne #bay #chatham #kent #b12 #diabetes #deficiency #liver #coeliac #bloating #ibs #ibd #crohns #sports nutrition #massage #reflexology #allergy #testing #intolerance #wheat #dairy #cutitout #
Haemochromatosis or Iron Overload can cause a mixture of symptoms and be easily overlooked without blood testing. It is a camelion amongst symptoms. The symptoms of iron overload can be very similar to anaemia/iron deficiency and other conditions such as CFS, menopause, and depression. The symptoms include:
To read more click the button to access the article Link. anaemia #iron #overload #haemechromatosis #menopause#PCOS #iron #transferrin #blood #testing
#phlebotomy #faversham #kent #sheppey #canterbury #folkestone #dietician #nutritionist #weight #loss How many of you have repeatedly invested money in different diet programmes, had success only to find the weight creeps back on again ? Then some people invest again and repeat the cycle, in many cases for years. This is damaging to your body and your mental health in some cases and is not necessary. Some diet programmes are very costly and failure common. It really doesnt have to be that way with careful management and healthy eating habits. But where do you start? The link below gives some explanation to why: #dietdangers#weightlossfailures#slimming#world#herbalife#faversham#kent#slimfast#smoothies#phlebotomist#blood#testing#menopause#beattheflab#nail#pedicure#beautician#whitstable#rochester#chatham#folkestone#weightwatchers#
Email Victoria to ask questions or if you simply want to book. [email protected] #phlebotomist #blood #testing #allergy #homeopathy #private #clinic #faversham #canterbury #london #herne bay #dover #folkestone #kent #gillingham #rochester #maidstone #needle #phobia #nervous #weightlossinjections #weight #loss #injections #mournjaro #ozempic #fertility #bloodtester #faversham #kent #whitstable #hernebay
For women there are several blood tests to check your fertility. Timing will be important as your hormonal cycle fluctuates. Also some medications can effect fertility so it is wise to check with your GP if that is the case for you. In summary:
Blood Testing with a Phlebotomist will help ascertain the above blood levels so you can seek the right guidance. Text: 07789512825 to book an appointment with Victoria Shorland, Phlebotomist. #fertilitytesting #ivf #menopause #hormone #bloodtesting #intolerance #allergy #kent #medway #faversham #folkestone #oestrogenlevels #diabetes #pregnancy #canterbury #dover #ibs
Why do some people suffer with gut problems and others do not? There seems to be an increase in bloating, loose bowels, IBS, intolerances and it is interesting to find out why. The button below will lead to the full article on Dysbiosis and gut health. Blood testing, Faversham, Ibs, clinic, help, bloating and pain, what, causes, how can I stop bloating, nutritionist, dietician, intolerances, allergy, testing, phlebotomy, herbalist, downs syndrome test, cholesterol, faversham, kent,
AuthorVictoria Shorland, Nutritionist and Allergy Consultant. |