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Breakfast – Love it or Hate It ?
It is National Breakfast Week so it seemed appropriate to write about it and hopefully inspire readers to make some changes. I frequently hear patients complain about breakfast: · It’s too much of a rush in the morning. · I don’t feel hungry. · I am up too early to fancy eating. · I am on the ‘starve’ phase of the diet I am on. So why is it so important ?
Cognitive function
The NHS says: "Eating breakfast has long term health benefits. It can reduce obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes." Written By Victoria Shorland, Eat To Live, 07789512825 or www.eattolive.org.uk. Allergy Testing/Food Intolerance Testing/Nutritionist. All the fat is saturated, but surprisingly low in sugars. Good for cake making, smoothies, breakfasts.
Very sweet taste. This milk substitute is not suitable for individuals following the FODMAP diet particularly if drunk in large quantities. |
AuthorVictoria Shorland, Nutritionist and Allergy Consultant. |