What is Restless Leg Syndrome?
- A markedly strong sensation or urge to move the legs, particularly at night time.
- Causes are often unknown, however it has been suggested that low iron and or magnesium a contributing factor.
- It has been known to be hereditary.
- Insomnia can often occur with Restless Leg Syndrome.
- Unpleasant, strange sensations in the legs whilst at rest, sleeping. These can be burning, tingling, pins and needles, pain, dull aching, cramps.
Simple Things To Try:
- Remove caffeine (coffee, tea, energy drinks) to reduce over stimulation.
- Remove alcohol.
- Use slow release carbohydrates in the diet to reduce sudden rises in blood sugars.
- Avoid stress.
- Have your magnesium and iron levels checked.
- MOT your food to ensure you are eating a balanced diet. This will ensure you get the best nutrition to help alleviate the symptoms.