They are the lucky ones !
The Peri-menopause stage for many women can be very very difficult, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, low labido, mood swinge, deep depression, loss of memory, hair loss, weight gain are just some of the symptoms.
I have seen some women who have described feeling lost, bereft and empty with a sense of deep uncertainty and frustration. Anger is another Peri=menopausal symptom, where huge outbursts appear to erupt from nowhere, in otherwise placid people. Relationships can be effected and some women have even committed suicide.
The Peri-menopausal phase can very miss diagnosed as well, if it coincides with another life event such as bereavement, children going to university, relationship breakdown; some women have been diagnosed with depression or empty nest syndrome, and they then continue to suffer.
You are not alone.
If you feel things spiralling out of control or just feel 'different' with changes to your cycle, talk to other women around you, be open about how you feel, and start to log the changes so you can evidence your menstrual changes.
If you have a family history of osteopenia or osteoposis, have taken long term steriods (and other bone depleting drugs) make sure you are doing weight bearing exercise and eating a healthy diet, not smoking or taking recreational drugs. Ask you GP for a hormonal screen, so they can then determine whether you need better bone protection.
Women do slip the net whereby their peri-menopausal phase triggers bone density changes, and without the proper treatment can develop severe osteoporosis.

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