Various hospitals and Community Facilities are setting up specific clinics to help the 100000 plus individuals this effects. It is very hard to know exactly how many people have Long Covid effects as the statistics are only now really being gathered and interpreted. The ONS estimates 10% of Covid patients, however this figure is not definitive either.
I have set up a Long Covid clinic at my facility to help such people and have already treated patients with success. The progress is slow and steady but with patience and support I feel confident we can get people back on their feet again.
It is a huge commitment for these individuals, as it appears that Long Covid really does knock them for six.
A study from King’s College London has reported that older people and individuals with a greater number of symptoms in the first week of illness were more likely to develop long COVID with 1 in 10 still unable to shake off the side effects eight weeks after infection.
More recent evidence is also showing that long COVID can be categorised into 4 different syndromes:
Post intensive care syndrome,
Post viral fatigue syndrome,
Permanent organ damage and
Long term COVID syndrome.
We are here to offer help and support.
To book please email [email protected].
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