Clean Eating firstly; yes I totally agree with the article, and I get very frustrated when I hear patients are following fad after fad, which is both harmful to their mental health and their physical health. Diet regimens, diet tablets, pyramid selling of products such as supplements, claiming to be the best for health, hobby therapists who do a three day course and then claim to be practitioners, advice on exclusion diets without supporting information, detox fads, to name but a few, are all potentially dangerous for our health.
Healthy Eating however is totally different, a varied, balanced diet with exercise and fresh air is completely different too clean eating.
My advice to patients is to do your research and ask questions. If a practitioner asks you to exclude foods find out what foods should replace them. You should not be told too exclude foods without supporting information.
It is very unhealthy too exclude food groups without proper management, binge on one type of food (protein only diet springs too mind), or fast if you are not well, so before you embark on a change in eating, stop and think of the consequences to your long term health.
So, too summarise;
Faddy eating and clean eating are not going to suit everyone, particularly if you have an eating disorder or
other health problem such as diabetes and heart disease.
Do not remove food groups without professional advice from a health professional such as a Dietician, Nutritionist, GP or Nurse Practitioner. Even your local pharmacy may be able too help.
Not everything in the paper is a balanced opinion, take your own counsel and seek a professional which suits
your needs.
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