We chatted about the heart and mind aspect of this huge subject, and it did seem that by sorting this area of our lives, the food side of things would fall into place. By changing and learning to manage our behaviours we could have better hope, commitment and achievement.
I’ve often seen weight loss patients who leave their first appointment armed with food lists, do’s and don’t’s, and positivity to succeed.
However, as the weeks pass their demons creep in, and as this occurs their commitment to themselves and their eating habits fade;
‘I had a difficult week at work’
‘I’m bored’
‘I always fail at diets’
‘I hate going without’
‘I can’t live without chocolate’
‘I have difficulty exercising’
During the group I asked everyone to say one word which they associated with weight loss, and this is what they said ……….
Loss Resentful
Fear Angry
Fed Up Upset
Angry Failure
Cheating Phibbing
It appeared that weight loss was associated with a great deal of negative beliefs, rather than optimism and hope. So why do we keep renewing our weight loss memberships, buying the books and putting ourselves through it?
I have to admit I struggle to answer that question. I do feel that if this sounds familiar, some answers can be found through Hypnotism or Counselling, to help change behaviours as we adjust our diets.
The Therapy Clinic Rooms in Faversham have two wonderful Practitioners who can help and support you, click on the website page to read more about their Counselling and Hynotherapy Services here at Faversham.
Lorraine has created some wonderful sugar free goodies available at The Gallery Kitchen Cafe, so you eat out and not feel guilty.
Lorraine King. Chef, http://alsacebaking.co.uk
Anna Honeysett, Counselling, http://www.eattolive.org.uk/counselling---anna-honeysett.html
Helen France, Hypnotherapy,http://www.eattolive.org.uk/hypnotherapy-with-helen-france.html
#Hypnotherapy #Counselling #hypnosis #Counsellor #Faversham # Kent #Gluten Free, Kent