Homeopaths do not diagnose:
We do not diagnose illnesses but look at the patient’s experience of their illness. The symptoms you feel when you become ill are your body’s way of signalling to you things are out of balance. This could be physically, mentally or emotionally or all three. The body and mind and emotions are all linked. It may be an acute illness that comes on suddenly or it could be a chronic illness that rumbles on and on.
Patients often come with a diagnosis from their doctors ranging from asthma and eczema to anxiety and depression, from PMS (Pre- menstrual syndrome) to IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) or migraines to high blood pressure. They often come to me because they haven’t been helped by conventional medicine or can’t tolerate the conventional drugs or simply don’t want to take them.
Homeopaths look at how different patients experience the same disease so ten people coming with, for example, pre- menstrual syndrome, may each be given a different remedy. We treat the individual person and how they are experiencing and expressing their illness and don’t just treat the disease.
Please do telephone our Homeopath if you want to find out more. There is no obligation to book.
We do not diagnose illnesses but look at the patient’s experience of their illness. The symptoms you feel when you become ill are your body’s way of signalling to you things are out of balance. This could be physically, mentally or emotionally or all three. The body and mind and emotions are all linked. It may be an acute illness that comes on suddenly or it could be a chronic illness that rumbles on and on.
Patients often come with a diagnosis from their doctors ranging from asthma and eczema to anxiety and depression, from PMS (Pre- menstrual syndrome) to IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) or migraines to high blood pressure. They often come to me because they haven’t been helped by conventional medicine or can’t tolerate the conventional drugs or simply don’t want to take them.
Homeopaths look at how different patients experience the same disease so ten people coming with, for example, pre- menstrual syndrome, may each be given a different remedy. We treat the individual person and how they are experiencing and expressing their illness and don’t just treat the disease.
Please do telephone our Homeopath if you want to find out more. There is no obligation to book.
Homeopathy and Sciatica
Sciatica pain refers to the pain originated due the irritation of sciatica nerve.
Sciatica pain itself is not a disease but the symptoms of many underlying pathologies.
Sciatica refers to pain that begins in the hip and buttocks and continues all the way down the leg. This condition is often accompanied by low back pain, which can be more or less severe than the leg pain.
There are a wealth of Homeopathic remedies which could be selected by the Homeopath. Below is just a sample:
For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. There are following remedies which are helpful in the treatment of sciatica:
Sciatica pain refers to the pain originated due the irritation of sciatica nerve.
Sciatica pain itself is not a disease but the symptoms of many underlying pathologies.
Sciatica refers to pain that begins in the hip and buttocks and continues all the way down the leg. This condition is often accompanied by low back pain, which can be more or less severe than the leg pain.
There are a wealth of Homeopathic remedies which could be selected by the Homeopath. Below is just a sample:
For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. There are following remedies which are helpful in the treatment of sciatica:
- Lyopodium
- Lachesis
- Kalmia latifolia
- Gnaphalium
- Ruta
- Phosphorus
- Plumbum met
- Colocynthis
- Rhus tox
- Bryonia alba
- Kali bi chrome
- Ledum pal
- Cuasticum
- Belladonna
- Nux vomica
- Numbness, also drawing and tearing in limbs, especially while at rest or at night.
- Sciatica, worse right side. Cannot lie on painful side.
- Hands and feet numb. Right foot hot, left cold.
- Cramps in calves and toes at night in bed.
- Limbs go to sleep. Twitching and jerking.
- Head strong and haughty when sick.
- Loss of self-confidence. Hurried when eating
- Symptoms characteristically run from right to left, acts especially on right side of body, and are worse from about 4 to 8 pm.
- Sciatica, right side, better lying down.
- Great loquacity.
- Sad in the morning; no desire to mix with the world.
- Restless and uneasy; does not wish to attend to business; wants to be off somewhere all the time.
- Mental labor best performed at night.
- Craving for alcohol, oysters. Any food causes distress.
- A rheumatic remedy. Pains shift rapidly.
- Pains from hips to knees and feet.
- Pains affect a large part of a limb, or several joints, and pass through quickly. Weakness, numbness, pricking, and sense of coldness in limbs.
- Sleepless, wakes very early in morning.
- Nausea; vomiting. Pain in pit of stomach; worse by bending forward; relieved by sitting erect.
- Sensation of something being pressed under the epigastrium.
- A remedy of unquestioned benefit in sciatica, when pain is associated with numbness of the part affected.
- Rheumatism and morning diarrhoea.
- Cramps in calves of legs and feet when in bed.
- Rheumatic pain in ankle joints and legs.
- Intense pain along the sciatic nerve; numbness alternates with pain.
- Frequent pains in calves and feet.
- Better, drawing limbs up, flexing thigh on abdomen.