Bioresonance or Vega Testing:
Allergies and food intolerances are becoming more and more common. An allergy produces a strong reaction, like an anaphylactic shock, swelling or a sudden severe rash. However foods and allergens also cause reactions or intolerances that are more subtle and can still cause us health problems.
- This test will help you identify those foods and allergens.
- The test measures how your body responds when exposed to different foods and substances. Depending on the level of resistance your body expresses, this will mean that you are allergic, intolerant, or just respond negatively to certain foods and products.
- We may also find that you do not have an intolerance, but a difficulty in digesting certain foods, which in itself can cause discomfort and symptoms.
- It is a very useful test because it helps you eliminate foods that are weakening your immune system at the very least, possibly affecting different systems and organs, and potentially making you very ill. In identifying problem foods and replacing them with the right foods, symptoms can be alleviated.
- The test is carried out as part of a full consultation. The results will be analysed there an then, to determine the foods and products which are likely to be linked to your health problem.
- The price for a full consultation to analyse your medical history and current symptoms, a full allergy test and a comprehensive analysis of the results, as well as a clear treatment plan or diet plan is £78.00 (babies and small children £58). You will need to allow 1h 30mins.
Electrodermal screening instruments are a synthesis of electrical technology and the ancient concepts of Chinese medicine. Bioelectric energy is said to flow through a series of circuits in the body called meridians, which can be affected by stimulating topical acupuncture points.
The machine picks up on a particular type of energy in the body, which goes through a hand held conductor then into the machine and back out again through a pen like probe. This is creating a complete circuit. Glass phials of potentised food solutions are placed one by one into a metal tray which is also part of the electrical circuit of the machine. The procedure is quick, non-invasive and the patient feels no electrical or other unpleasant sensations.
The equipment should not be used where the patient has a pace-maker.
Various substances are introduced into the testing circuit and the patient's response is measured. If the energy flows freely then that particular food is tolerated by the body. If, however, the energy flow is affected and an abnormal reading is registered then that food substance is not tolerated by the body and is having a negative adverse affect on that individual.
Readings taken are scored and an explanation given, so the patient is clear about possible elimination or rotation of food that may be required. Diet is discussed and information and advice is provided accordingly. The patient maintains contact with the therapist whilst they adjust their diet, so they get support and guidance through the process. The session will be caring and informative and I may also suggest supplements and natural techniques to ease symptoms that may be present and that will encourage your body to thrive and heal naturally to achieve optimum health. The appointment will take approximately an hour.
It is important to note that results obtained with electrodermal screening cannot always be confirmed through clinical methods of examination or laboratory tests. Energetic changes in the body precede changes in the cells or organs on a physical or biochemical level. This is not a diagnositic tool it is a guide.
Intolerances come in many shapes and sizes and can be very discreet. Some patient's have suffered with unresolved symptoms for many years, having been through a gambit of Specialists. We have the time to listen and interpret those symptoms and make the appropriate recommendations.
Histamine intolerance is another area of concern where individuals are potentially over using anti-histamines, this is another area Eat To Live will look into, so watch out for our articles.
Please note certain intolerance signs require a referral to your GP for blood tests. We prioritise patient safety and this pathway may be necessary.
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Food Intolerance Investigations Available at Folkestone and Faversham, Kent. (Please read other sections for education/advice.)
Please email or telephone to book an appointment.
[email protected] / 07789512825
Please email or telephone to book an appointment.
[email protected] / 07789512825